GGKP (2024). Closing the Gap: Investing in natural capital to meet the SDGs. Geneva: Green Growth Knowledge Partnership.
This study was commissioned by the Green Growth Knowledge Partnership (GGKP) – an initiative dedicated to the transition to a green economy, led by major economic and development organisations and UN agencies. It builds on a series of detailed GGKP economic reports assessing the gap that exists between the state of the Earth’s remaining natural assets – termed natural capital – and the state that those assets need to be in to meet selected nature-related SDG targets. These 9 targets are distributed across 8 different Sustainable Development Goals.
Alongside an exploration of the costs and benefits assessed, across different regions, income groups and dimensions of the natural capital gap, the report also includes an action agenda to help close the natural capital gap.
As an annex, the document also includes the methodology for assessing natural capital gaps which can be used at a country level either for countries not covered within the 40 countries assessed, or to update and deepen analysis using local rather than global data.