
Kapos, V., Ravilious, C., Leng, C., Bertzky, M., Osti, M., Clements, T., Dickson, B. (2010) Carbon, biodiversity and ecosystem services: Exploring co-benefits. Cambodia. UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge, UK.

Spatial analyses relating to co-benefits can provide key information to support planning and decision-making on REDD+ at national and sub-national scales. To do so, they should be based on data developed at an appropriate scale and should address those benefits and challenges deemed most important by key stakeholders and practitioners.This report presents results from an initial effort to produce such analyses for Cambodia. It includes new data on the distribution of terrestrial carbon stocks in Cambodia and analyses of its relation to areas of importance for biodiversity, Protected Areas and other land management units, and pressures (such as forest cover loss).