
Deguignet M., Juffe-Bignoli D., Harrison J., MacSharry B., Burgess N., Kingston N. (2014). 2014 United Nations List of Protected Areas. UNEP-WCMC: Cambridge, UK.

The 2014 United Nations List of Protected Areas is a compilation of all designated protected areas in the world.  This is the fourteenth edition since the publication of the first edition in 1961/62 and provides information on over 209,000 designated marine and terrestrial protected areas covering more than 30 million km2. It includes significant updates since the last edition published in 2003. The List represents a testimony to the great political commitment that countries have shown towards this global conservation priority and complements the Protected Planet Report’s detailed assessment of Protected Areas by helping to track progress towards reaching the quantitative aspect of Aichi Biodiversity Target 11: how close we are to reaching 17 per cent coverage of terrestrial areas and inland waters and 10 per cent of nationally administered marine areas by 2020.